Top Tips to Keep the Kids Entertained on the Road

Sunday, September 1, 2019

So you’re taking the kids on a road trip. There’s nothing quite as daunting as the dreaded “Are we there yet?” yells. So we’ve put together a guide for you to keep the kids entertained while you're on the road.


1) Plan Regular Stops

You’ll want to stretch your legs regularly, so try and plan ahead, picking nice scenic spots to stop at. And if there’s room, bring a frisbee or a soccer ball so the kids can burn off some steam (And hopefully tire themselves out. Our favorite road trip kid is a sleeping one).

2) Download a Podcast

If boredom is nearing it might be a great idea to pop on an audiobook or podcast. It’s better than the radio presenters, and far more tailored to your family's interests. Maybe an informative “Stuff You Should Know” podcast, or “Wow in the World” for kids who ask you questions about dinosaurs that you just don’t know the answer to. But if you’re just looking for some good fun storytelling, check out “The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd”, you might even enjoy some yourself. Or for a throwback feel, head to your local library and pick up an audiobook for you and the family to get stuck into.

3) Stack Up the Spotify Queue

On the subject of the stereo we recommend getting some playlists ready for the drive. Depending on your kids age you could be loading anything from Hi-5 to Taylor Swift. But don’t forget to slip a couple of goodies in for yourselves, some TLC or Darude would go down a treat.

4) Get the Kids Involved in Trip Planning

To help get the kids excited and less moody about spending their days in the car, get them involved in the planning, let them pick a stop on the journey, even if you were already planning on heading there, it’ll help the kids feel like they’re helping shape the family trip.

5) Give the Kids a Digital Camera

If you have an old digital camera laying around the house, why not give it to the kids so they can document their trip too. The chances are most of the pics will be on their shoes, but you never know, they might snap some memorable gems. Or for a more vintage look, pick them up a polaroid.

6) Bring Lots of Healthy Snacks!

We know it’s easier to swing by the gas station and pick up some bags of sweets, but the last thing your kids need while they’re in an enclosed space is more energy. So try preparing with some carrot sticks, a bag of nuts, even some frozen berries to suck on in the midday heat. (We still think you should have a bag of lollies tucked away somewhere, just in case you need to do a bit of bribery).

7) Play Games in the Car

A surefire way to keep the kids entertained is by having a stock of games at the ready to play. Needing nothing more than imagination, car games can make or break a road trip, so stick these up your sleeve for those bored moments

- I spy, a classic. The first few, Car, Sky, Road, will be easy to get, but as the options narrow the game gets more interesting.\


- 20 Questions - Think of a famous person and then the rest of the car has 20 questions to guess who you’re thinking about.


- Would you Rather - get your kids laughing with this one. Ask them to choose between two tough choices. Would you rather unlimited chocolate or never have to go to school again?


- Quiet Game - No better game was ever invented. Simply say, the last person to talk wins something, (now would be a great time to use one of those rationed sweets).

We hope these tips smooth out your road trip!

Pick up
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